We greet parishioners, newcomers, and visitors as they enter the church for Mass, and bring up the gifts at offertory time. This is to help strengthen our sense of community by making everyone feel welcome as an integral part of our parish family. To be on the ongoing St. Mary's weekend rotation, please sign up here.
On occasion, the elderly or otherwise unable in our parish need rides to medical appointments, Mass, and other places. On an as-needed basis, would you be able to assist those in our parish family?
If you are someone in need of rides, please also contact us (information below).
Extend a loving hand and heart to an individual or family who is unable to cook due to being temporarily disabled, sick, having a new baby, or otherwise in need, by preparing and delivering a warm meal to them. Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave me food.”
If you are someone in need of meals, please also contact us (information below).
For more information or to join:
Mollie Sundermeier
[email protected]